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January 26, 2020
Wisdom is derived from the perspective we hold of things. If your perspective of a thing is right, you will walk in wisdom; if wrong, you will walk in error.…

True Worship

January 19, 2020

Vision 2020

January 12, 2020


January 12, 2020
Everyone who is good at anything started one day. To achieve anything of significance in life, you need to start. S.T.A.R.Ting well is what makes the difference between someone who…
There is a call of God upon our lives and that is the value that we as Christians bring into every endeavour and relationship. #TBCExcel #TBCWord #PastorGbenro

Cross Over Service

January 1, 2020

Get Out of Yourself

December 29, 2019
The first dealings of God in a man's life is to bring him to the understanding of who he truly is. Often, our appraisal of ourselves is faulty. It is…
Christmas is a reminder of the hope that we carry: Jesus was, Jesus is and Jesus is to come. Jesus on earth embodies all of God's provision to mankind. Nothing…


December 22, 2019
You have been called to reign in life. To reign in life is to make appropriation of all that Christ accomplished. To reign in life, you will need to reset…
Gratitude is deliberately cultivated. It is a decision of the heart and you have to decide to be grateful irrespective of what is happening around and to you. When you…
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