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You can't get better if you are bitter. Unforgiveness creates an inroad for the devil in your life. @gbenro #MarriageNRelationshipsSeries #PastorGbenro
Strongholds are mental containment that prevents us from achieving the purpose of God in our life. You need the shield of faith for your marriage. #TBCWord  #TBCThanksgivingService
Where you have argument and high things in your life, substitute them with the word of God. Jer. 1:9 @onochieck #TBCWord #TBCThanksgivingService
Marriage & Relationships Series Episode 9 - The limit of submission is understanding. #TBCService #PastorPaul #MarriageNRelationship
At times there are certain things you are having difficulty with not because you don't have faith but because your heart is hardened. A hardened heart is a heart that…
Marriage & Relationships Series Episode 8 - The limit of submission is understanding. #TBCService #PastorPaul #MarriageNRelationship
The moment you introduce title and position into a relationship, submission is thrown out automatically. #PastorTope #MarriageNRelationship
It's still an open discussion on #MarriageNRelationships. Follow us as we learn from one another & from the Word. This is worth your time believe me! If we will be…
Keep what is sacred in your marriage sacred. Expose yourself and your spouse to the word of God. Heed the voice of God. #MarriageNRelationshipSeries #TBCWord #TBCService
The key word that reveals servanthood is the word submit. #TBCService #TBCWord #MarriageNRelationshipSeries
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