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Whenever you sense vulnerability in people, please treat them with wisdom. @deleosunmakinde #WWSJ #TBCWord #TBCService
All emotions are good but expressing them inappropriately is wrong. Your spouse can do what you hate...but you must not hate your spouse. #MarriageNRelationships #TBCService #TBCWord
Refusing to be offended does not make you stupid. It makes you a better person. Deep questions and comments coming from folks in church this evening. #MarriageNRelationships #TBCService #TBCWord
When you don't look at the word and you look at circumstances, you become blind. #TBCService #PastorTope
There is nothing like perfect timing, but time must definitely be created to ensure that there is proper communication in relationships. You can not listen without hearing. One of the…
God holds you responsible for how you control emotions. You're not to be controlled by them. #MarriageNRelationships. Ephesians 4: 31-32 #TBCWord #TBCService
Self focus is what causes you to become angry and bitter when things upset that self focus. #DyingToSelf #MarriageNRelationships #TBCWord
2017 edition of Season 1, Episode 1 of Marriage & Relationship Series at TBCAbuja ably anchored by TBCAbuja Senior Pastor, Pastor Temitope Shaba.
If you don’t allow the word to change you, you walk in darkness. Philippians 2:14-15 #TBCService #TBCWord #RevelationKnowledge #LightInDarkPlaces
You can have unique experiences everyday of your life when you daily interact with Revelation Knowledge. #PastorTope #RevelationKnowledge
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