"The seed of the greatness of every nation is in the Faith Message....God Himself is the greatest Nation Builder" - Pastor Dele Osunmakinde A teaching on the topic "Nation Building"…
A teaching by Pastor Dele Osunmakinde at a session of the Believers' Camp Meeting 2018. Listen to learn how communing with the Holy Spirit influences God's move in your life.…
A short charge,"Words of Hope," by Pastor Dele Osunmakinde at a session of the Believers' Camp Meeting 2018. #BelieversCampMeeting #BCM2018 #MinistryOfTheSpirit #BCM_Day2 #PastorDeleOsunmakinde
The move of the Spirit comes with training and it is not negotiable. When you do not have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit, you will not be led…
There is a general move of the spirit that moves believers and non-believers alike. In the move of the Spirit, It is only the Holy Spirit that can identify what…