- May 28, 2017
- Posted by: TBCAbuja Admin
- Category: Messages

I Corinthians 3:5-23
You are God’s building. Christ is the foundation. The extent to which a building can go is determined by its foundation. God has given each and every one of us to build our self. You are responsible for building yourself.
What God is doing in you is related to what He is doing in the Church. Your relationship with God is as much personal as it is corporate. God does not work in your life in isolation.
What you are building is totally dependent on you and it has an effect in the overall body of Christ. Your relationship with God impacts on the church. How high you’re building will determine the material you are building with. The purpose of the building will determine the materials used for the building. Luke 6:46-49
The person that is doing what Christ has said is the one building accurately because he is deeply rooted.
You cannot leave out the word of God and say you’re praying about it, while leaving out the word of God to give, to share the word. We cannot substitute praying for the word of God. They both go hand in hand. Pray the word of God into action & keep doing the things that He Said.
James 1:21-25 Be doers of the word not hearers only i.e. be a doer of the work. The work of God is to believe in the one He has sent.
The reason we don’t do the work is because we don’t believe. It is easy to do the things we believe. How easy is it for you to do the things you have heard?
There is no way you can stand if you have not gone deep. Reckon yourself to be part of this foundation
John 15:1 How can you be in Christ and you will not bear fruit?
How can a branch in a tree not bear fruit? If it can’t it means there is something wrong. Consider yourself to be part of Christ to bear fruit.
Without Christ you can do nothing. Just as a house not firmly rooted to the foundation cannot stand so you and I if we are not rooted in Him cannot bear fruit. If you associate and reckon yourself to be in this family you will bear fruit.
The foundation is Christ. Reckon yourself to be part of this foundation.
1 John 5:1-3, John 17:1-3
This is eternal life that you may know the only true God and Jesus whom He has sent. To what extent do you participate, reckon Know this foundation? Get to know the lord. Get to know Christ; the things He has done for you.
Ephesians 3:14-19
The deeper you go in the things of God the higher you will go in life. If you try to go without being deeply founded you will fall. Unbelief is the reason some don’t bear fruit.
Don’t stand if you are not rooted in this foundation.
We all have an equal opportunity and we all have this grace. The foundation is Christ and we are building. Everyone is supplying something to this building.
Through whom all the body, being rightly formed and united together, by the full working of every part, is increased to the building up of itself in love.- Ephesians 4:16 [BBE]
It is important that you are rooted in a local church. As you build yourself you fulfill the goal of God for the general assembly because what God does in you will impact the church.
Believe the word He has spoken and be confident that He is working for you. Be a hearer and a doer of the word.
#FoundationOfOurFaith #Episode6
Message preached by Pastor Ife Kehinde.
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