The Spirit of Revelation
Bible Text: Isa 11, Isa 35, Acts 26:16, Eph 1, Jhn 16:5 | Preacher: Pastor Tope Shaba | Series: The Ministry of the Spirit | When the Holy Spirit is present in a believer, six things are present; the spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge and the fear of God.
A person walking in divine wisdom can give interpretations to things. If you engage your spirit, you will receive clear instructions as regard every situation of your life. The things of God are specific, they follow a particular design.
What is to be replicated on earth are the things that have been finished in heaven. You begin to receive from the spirit the things that you’re to do as you fellowship with Him.
The Holy Spirit is the one who reveals the will of God to us. Every believer individually must locate what has been written about them. To experience all promises written, it must be personalized.
The Holy Spirit is interested in every area of your life. How does it work? It could be a prompting, a thought dropped in your heart; It’s the Spirit of God wanting to interact with you.
Within your environment are the tools God wants to use to take you to your next level. You must not despise what you have. There is a reason why you are wired the way you are. Within your experience are the things God wants to do. Do not despise what is happening around you; the spirit is within your day to day work.
The Spirit wants to be more involved in our lives more than we are giving him room. Don’t look outside of yourself, look within. If you look outside you will crash it, if you look within, you will see what is needed to take you to the next level.
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