The Secret Place
September 2, 2018

The Secret Place

Passage: Matthew 6: 5-18
Service Type:

Bible Text: Matthew 6: 5-18 | Preacher: Pastor Tope Shaba | Series: The Secret Place

The focus of prayer should always be God and not you. This ensures that you key into the right connection.

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High is the person who comes there with all of him not trying to be ‘perfect’ for God. Whatever baggage you have the fears, challenges, anxiety etc, bring them all to the secret place

God knows you through and through. Lay everything bare before Him. He knows everything already and welcomes you like that.

Prayer is what makes you more like God. You have to be willing to come as you are and exchange all your imperfections for him. Come into the secret place, shut the door behind you and be open before him and soak in the glory of his presence.

#TheSecretPlace #TBCWord #PastorTope

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