The Knowledge Economy
July 22, 2018

The Knowledge Economy

Passage: 1 Corinthians 2:6-10, James 1:5-8
Service Type:

Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 2:6-10, James 1:5-8 | Preacher: Pastor Tope Shaba | Series: Knowing the Holy Spirit

Information is the force of any economy. From the beginning, God had always placed a premium on the intangible. The intangible has always been the force behind the tangible.

When you build your relationship with the Holy Spirit, you are able to interact and fully engage with the wisdom domiciled in Him. Your relationship with him is your access key to knowledge.

#PastorTope #KnowingTheHolySpirit #KnowledgeEconomy #TBCWord

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